Attention, Asian men who want to attract beautiful women!

Does it feel so hopeless and difficult to have the women you want in your life?

...If you've struggled to attract the women you want into your life

...If you've tried every sort of tip / trick / technique out there

...If you've downloaded endless e-books

...If you watched countless courses

...If you're completely dissatisfied with your love life

...If you're scared of approaching the women you want

...If you are always in your head & feel self-conscious when talking to women 

...If your sex life is inconsistent (or nonexistent) and you feel like you have little to no options with women

...If you feel frustrated and hopeless because nothing seems to work for you then you'll want to read on. Here's why...

You will learn the following truths on... 

  • How your upbringing has destroyed your chances with women 
  • Why most dating advice will cause you to waste months (if not years) of your life 
  • How learning from any other dating coach won't help your love life

Let's go ahead and dive into each one. 

1. You don't attract the women you want due to your upbringing 

What image comes to mind when I say the word "modeling"?

Do you think of lithe models strutting down the catwalk?
Do you think of gorgeous women posing with barely anything on? 

Regardless of what you thought, modeling is quite simple: We learn how the world works and how to act through our role models & experiences in life.

I'm going to be brutally honest with you all...Most Asian men had & have really shitty role models when it comes to how to being a strong man women desire. 

This happens through our personal relationships (i.e. family, friends, network) as well as the cultural landscape of where we live. 

Let's go down the list shall we? 

  • Your father was probably an absentee, workaholic dad who couldn't stand up to your mom or he was a tiger dad 
  • Your mom was probably a tiger mom who controlled your life with an iron fist or she wasn't able to stand up to your dad
  • Your brother(s) probably were pretty similar to you in the sense they had to bow down to your parents 
  • The culture you grew up in was very heavily shame & performance based...which means everything was about achievement. Not "reaching the mark" (i.e. grades, careers, etc.) was something to feel ashamed about 
  • You probably were surrounded by friends who were equally as clueless about women as you were 
  • You grew up in an environment where the media completely marginalized and emasculated Asian men. We were always cast as the nerds, engineers, and maybe funny guy in TV & film...but never as the man who got the girl. 
  • You go through your life encountering "passive racism", where people indirectly poke fun at you for being Asian, and no one seems to give a shit

All these experiences completely fuck up your love life because: 

  • You don't learn from the male role models in your life how to be that man women want 
  • You don't have experiences being around healthy romantic relationships (let's be honest - would you describe the relationship between your Asian parents as the epitome of passion & connection?) 
  • You grow up feeling "not good enough" due to the shame-based Asian culture and social-political-cultural environment that casts Asian men as undesirable

I can say all this with certainty because I have lived through all of it.

I was terrible with women, had low confidence, and was constantly plagued by these thoughts:

  • Will she like me? (If talking to a girl)
  • I can't compete with the other guy and I'm scared she'll choose him because he's taller / better-looking / more successful / probably better in bed / more charming etc. 
  • Did she reject me because I was Asian (and sometimes I would straight up hear "I don't date Asian men")
  • I know I shouldn't try hard because it's needy, but women still don't seem to want me. 
  • I know I should make a move, but I don't want to be creepy and I don't want to develop a reputation here. 
  • I know I shouldn't care so much about what women and people think, but I still do 
  • I don't know what I'm doing wrong with women and I'm tired of going through the same problems 
  • I'm trying so hard and this whole "getting better with women" thing is burning me out
  • Will I ever get this part of my life handled and be able to attract the women I want? 
  • Life is hard because I can't even get my shit together in my love life 

Do all of these thoughts seem familiar? 

Asian men do have the power to be magnetic to women. However, a lot of us are playing from behind...

2. You don't attract the women you want because most advice doesn't target the real issues 
You guys want to hear a secret that's not-so-secret?

I used to be a hardcore pick-up artist...

Okay...I know a lot of you already knew that. 

The point is this, I studied pickup + "game" religiously for years because I wanted to attract the women I wanted and have the sex life I wanted. 

...And most of it didn't work. 

This was super frustrating because: 

  • I was putting in my approaches, and by that I mean I had approached hundreds if not thousands of women
  • I was going out consistently so I could "get this handled" 
  • I was constantly reflecting on how to improve
  • I had been mentored by supposedly "the best in the industry" at the time
  • I had the biggest personal library of dating + pickup advice on my hard drive (sound familiar?)  

This was also an incredibly painful time in my life due to the fact: 

  • I barely got paid above $30,000 USD / year 
  • I was working 12+ hour days 
  • I had no idea how to make more money in my career, and I felt stuck 
  • I was constantly worrying about how to advance my career (after all - I am Asian) 
  • I was exhausted with all the work I had to do in my job and in terms of getting good with women
  • I was so frustrated because I wondered why it was so hard to get what I wanted in life and why other guys had it easier
  • I was absolutely confused on how to get better with women
  • I was torn between focusing on my love life or focusing on my career. It felt like I couldn't do both (even though I tried) as I was constantly tired and overwhelmed

To make matters worse, my very-Christian mom found out I worked for a pickup company and then flew into this huge rage over how I was sinning against God and going to hell. During this time, I was also living at home because I had no money to move out. 

I had to endure almost a year of her ignoring at me, mocking me and saying I was going to hell, and then crying over how I was going to hell. 

I felt trapped in all areas of my life - emotional health, wealth, and relationships.

Eventually I clawed my way out of all of this, and I was able to have the love life I wanted + a kick-ass career.

I can tell you I did not learn how to attract the women I wanted through all the superficial dating + pickup advice out there. I eventually realized that all of the superficial tactics & tricks I had been trying to use to "get women" were not going to solve the real issues I had. 

One of the real reasons Asian men don't attract the women they want is due to the fact they are not yet a strong man. When it comes to being a man that women want, this is something that you cannot fake. 

Imagine this: You think your problem is how to text a girl. Your real problem is you haven't become the man she is attracted. 

Because you don't know what your real issue is, you invest heavily in learning how to banter via text as well as build a connection. Some girls may humor you, but most of them inevitably drop off and never go out on a date with you. 

Logically speaking, does it make sense to double down on how to text a girl or does it make more sense to learn how to really become a strong, attractive man? 

From my time as a Relationships & Confidence coach for Asian men, I have noticed that the biggest silent killer to a man's success with women (hell, life in general) are his blind spots. 

What a man doesn't know he doesn't know is what absolutely kills his chances with women.

Unfortunately, most Asian men are absolutely blind to what's holding them back in their love life. I don't want this trend to continue...

Not solving your blind spots will lead to you wondering: 

  • Why can't I easily attract the women I want in my life? 
  • Why do I have to try so hard compared to other guys (especially white guys)? I've spent time + money + effort on this shit! 
  • Why can't this be easy so I can focus on other aspects of my life? 

3. You don't attract the women you want because most advice is overcomplicated and difficult to implement

Paralysis by analysis. 

Are you not sure of where to start and what to focus on when it comes to attracting the women you want? 

I know that feeling all too well. And, I know you know that being completely in your head and overwhelemed does not make you better with women. 

Here's why most advice out there will flood and overwhelm your brain:

  • They all claim their process & method is the "one true way"
  • Most of their methods + processes are incredibly complex
  • Most of the advice out there contradicts each other
  • There is way too much information out there 

The end result is we have a lot of Asian men who are absolutely confused on where to start and what to focus on. They are perpetually trying to "figure it out" and are getting ready to get ready. 

At best, they are taking action but finding it very difficult to "put it all together".

Whether you are perpetually "starting" or "floundering", one thing's for certain: This is all highly frustrating!

I don't want this to happen to you. 

In this course, I've managed to do is boil down all of dating + attraction into one concept. And, I also created a way for you to create a strategy plan + roadmap to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. 

This leads to my next point...

Most people don't get the results they want from the advice they consume because they don't know to really embody the concepts given to them. 

Information alone isn't enough. In fact, information is simply the first stage in the process of transformation. 

A lot of us have been in a state where we may have read all of the information on love, sex, and attraction, yet we're still struggling with women and sleeping in our bed alone. 

This is due to the fact that a cognitive, mental understanding of a concept doesn't mean you truly "get it". The concepts you read must be embodied at a deep level where you feel it to be true. 

I've always been fascinated on how people learn and really transform, so I made sure I included lessons in my course on how you can really learn and "get it" faster so you can attract the women you want. 

4. You don't attract the women you want because you haven't learned from someone just like you 

These are three factors that will help you learn how to get good with women quickly: 

  1. Learn how to learn 
  2. Identify the blind spots holding you back 
  3. Learn from someone who is/was like you

The last point is what I want to focus on. 

Remember my point on how a lot of Asian men struggle with women because they weren't able to model what it was to be a strong, attractive man? 

When I was learning pickup and game, I wanted to make sure I had the best mentors. I knew one of the best ways to learn was to get the best in the industry. 

While I did get better, I still didn't progress at the rate I wanted. This was due to the fact that most of my mentors were white dudes. 

While I love them to death and am happy for how much they helped me, I realized that they weren't able to give me laser-targeted advice on how to get better with women as an Asian man because they weren't Asian!

While they could identify the common issues Asian men have and even have sympathy, they had no idea what it felt like:

...To be told you're not even an option because "she doesn't date Asian guys"

...To agonize over how your race might be hurting your chances with women

...To wonder if she's rejecting you because she doesn't like Asian guys

...To have the media portray you as asexual, weak, and basically not even a sexual / romantic option

...To try to fight your cultural programming + conditioning that seems to absolutely sabotage your efforts with women (i.e. being assertive, being confident, speaking up for yourself, not being ashamed of who you are and your desires)

While there is a lot of overlap on what it takes to be an attractive man, here's why having a fellow Asian man as a coach & guide is critical: 

  1. I know what the blind spots in your love life area, because they used to be mine
  2. I will give advice that is tailored to you. 

It's the few millimeters of difference in how the advice is presented and targeted that make the world of difference. 

Have you ever heard advice presented in a slightly different way (even though you had heard it hundreds of times before) that gave you an epiphany and drastically made your life better? 

Hearing advice & being taught by an Asian man (me) who went through your experiences and knows how to tailor advice to your experiences are the few "millimeters" that will cause your perspective + beliefs to shift in an exponetial way.

I have some blog posts floating around that contain my reflections on what I wish differently when learning how to become the man women wanted. 

One of the points I made was how I wish I had invested in myself earlier (mainly with coaching).

I know that Asian people tend to be cheap as shit...because I used to be like that too! A lot of guys will try to torrent courses, books, and use the "free stuff" from different coaches to try to do it all themselves. 

I totally get it, but what if I told you this is precisely what is holding you back? 

The hidden reason why a lot of men don't attract the beautiful women they want is partly because they aren't committed enough. There is a difference between wanting something vs. being committed to it. Most men fall in the former. 

When you invest in yourself, you are automatically more commited because you have more skin in the game. 

Let me use an analogy...

Would you go up and talk to a woman if you knew I would withdraw $1000 from your bank account if you didn't? Most men would. 

Now, would you go up and talk to a woman if you knew there were ZERO consequences for not talking to her. Most men wouldn't. 

Men don't value what is free. Correction, people do not value what is free and will not commit to something unless they have skin in the game. 

I know what some of you are wondering: "Maybe I can just do this myself and/or maybe I can pay money for matchmakers or similar services." 

Let me address each option:

Doing things yourself
Yes, some guys can do it themselves and they're probably not the ones even bothering to read through this page. But, if you could do it yourself, why aren't you attracting the women you want yet? 

As I mentioned before, it's our blind spots that hold us back. The knowledge + mindset + actions you are taking nowadays are what is creating the results you're getting. 

It possible to eventually have it come together and "figure it out", but from personal experience, it is incredibly arduous. 

I really wish I had swallowed my pride in the beginning and invested in the best coaches for me (as an Asian man). This was coming from someone that did get coaching -- while that was helpful I realized later how important it was to choose the right coaches and also have consistent support. 

I really don't want you to spin your wheels and struggle for years like me. 

Paying for matchmakers and similar services (i.e. speed-dating)
I'll be blunt: None of this will make a difference if you haven't learned how to become the man women want. 

At best, you'd be able to get in front of some women you'd want to meet only to have them reject you. I know this from experience.

Remember what I mentioned about tackling the real issues that are holding you back?  

Now, imagine this future where you: 

...Have rock-solid confidence

...Attract beautiful women

...Know the women you want also want you

...Are able to date the women you want and have the sex life you want

Wouldn't you feel super happy, fulfilled, and relaxed knowing that "you made it"? 

What would that be worth to you? 

  1. How much time & energy would you save not needing to figure out + work on how to attract beautiful women?
  2. How much future money would you save not needing to invest in matchmakers, speed dating, another night out, another event that goes nowhere with women, another course that doesn't work for you etc. (Trust me - all this shit really adds up if you calculate it. If you don't believe me, do the math yourself.) 
  3. How would feel knowing you became the man women wanted and have options? More certain? More belief in your worth? 
  4. How would you feel knowing you have the time + freedom now to pursue & advance in other parts of your life? 

Is investing in yourself upfront to attract the women you want worth it? 

Or, would you rather spend more months (or years in reality for most men) being confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated because you're trying to do it all yourself and rather not get help? 

What would be the cost of that? 

In case you're wondering, it would be the following (all taken from my experience)

  1. Continuing to struggle to attract the women you want in your life...and this whole journey taking significantly longer 
  2. Continuing to expend time + money + energy on your love life 
  3. Having your love life consume you and making you feel like your life is unbalanced because you still need to get this handled
  4. Feeling unhappy and frustrated 
  5. Feeling trapped because you can't and/or trying to get this part of your life handled (but it's not working)  
  6. Flirting with the idea of settling in your love life and/or actually settling for the scraps that come your way 
  7. Judging yourself for not really stepping up to become the best man you could be

Yikes - that doesn't sound appealing does it? 

Let's be real: Being able to attract the women you want is basically priceless. Most of us wouldn't accept any money in the world if we knew it would completely strip us of the ability to attract beautiful women. 

Some of you might be thinking: "Jeremy makes some good points, but I'm still not sure." 

This ain't my first rodeo...I know what's going on here. Deep down, you're scared that this won't work and/or you don't have it in you to make this course work for you. 

I get that. I can see why so many Asian men still struggle in their love lives because this insidious fear is what holds them back. 

I have your back...

Try this course out. If you don't think it's giving you want you need to upgrade your ability to attract beautiful women, then just contact me at [email protected] and we'll figure something out. 

I can't stop you from just saying this course didn't help you just so you can get access. 

But, I'm going to trust that you're a man of your word. If it really didn't help you, let me know what could've been improved so I can better serve you and other men. I'm pretty confident this course will make you more magnetic to women though. 

To make sure you get the maximum value from this course, I'm adding in exclusive access to a private Facebook group.

This will be a brotherhood where you can ask your questions, hold yourself accountable, and get me to answer whatever question you have so you have advice that laser-focused for you. 

I hate the idea of dropping you into a course without any guidance. That's why I'm adding this bonus of giving you a safe + uplifting place for you get your questions answered by me. 

I want you to know that I have your back. I mean it. 

Now that you know what is holding you back from attracting the women you want, it's time for you to make a decision that may change the course of your love life. 

You can move on with your love life thinking this was a nice read (and get absolutely nothing out of it), or you can decide to commit to becoming the man who attracts beautiful women. 

Do this by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking the "Get This Handled!" button. 

Let's make you magnetic and irresistible to women. 

P.S. The time really is now. How much longer are you going to struggle and try to figure it all out yourself? Is attracting beautiful women something you want, or is it something you are committed to? This is your chance to start making your dreams a reality. Scroll down and start the beginning of your new life now. 

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Course Welcome and Overview

    • Course Overview and Layout


    • Announcements!

  • 2

    How to learn and get good with women

    • Learning how to learn and getting good with women (1/3)

    • Learning how to learn and getting good with women (2/3)

    • Learning how to learn and getting good with women (3/3)

  • 3

    Attraction Principles

    • The core thing women want

    • How most dating advice out there will steer you wrong (1/2)

    • How most dating advice out there will steer you wrong (2/2)

  • 4

    Master Your Environment

    • Master your Environment: Overview

    • Stereotypes & hurdles Asian men face

    • How to destroy stereotypes that hold you back

  • 5

    Master Yourself: Overview

    • Master Yourself: Overview

  • 6

    Master Yourself: Shame

    • What shame is

    • How shame manifests in your love life (1/4)

    • How shame manifests in your love life (2/4)

    • How shame manifests in your love life (3/4)

    • How shame manifests in your love life (4/4)

    • How Asian men respond to shame (1/2)

    • How Asian men respond to shame (2/2)

    • Traits of a strong, masculine man

    • How change and transformation occurs

    • How to become the strong man women want

  • 7

    Master Yourself: Mind

    • How to get out of your head (1/2)

    • How to get out of your head (2/2)

  • 8

    Master Yourself: Feelings

    • How to get in your feelings (1/2)

    • How to get in your feelings (2/2)

  • 9

    Master Your Interactions: Meeting Women

    • How to meet the women you want (1/2)

    • How to meet the women you want (2/2)

    • How to beat your fear of approaching beautiful women (1/2)

    • How to beat your fear of approaching beautiful women (2/2)

    • Mindsets that will help your approaches with women

    • How to start conversations with women

  • 10

    Master your Interactions: Interacting with Women

    • How to hold conversations with women

    • How to talk to girls course

    • How to build connection with women

    • How to build attraction & sexual tension (1/3)

    • How to build attraction & sexual tension (2/3)

    • How to build attraction & sexual tension (3/3)


    • Body Language Basics

    • How to balance your masculine energy

  • 11

    Master your Interactions: Asking women out

    • How to ask a woman out

  • 12

    Shit that will sabotage success in your dating life

    • Anger and resentment

    • Being too selfish and self-centered

    • Burnout and exhaustion

    • Being lazy / lethargic

    • Being too hard on yourself

    • Taking things too personally

    • Being too in your head & trying to "figure it out"

  • 13

    Plan for Growth

    • Your plan for growth - Tying it all together

    • Love Life Diagnosis

About the instructor

Relationship & Confidence Coach for Asian Men

Jeremy Jong

I help Asian men become the strongest version of themselves. Why? MainIy because I know what it's like to feel absolutely lost, alone, and helpless in all areas of my life (i.e. career, finances, my dating / love life, and relationships). Conversely, I've found that the overarching solution to getting what you want in all areas of your life is to be the strongest, most confident version of exceptions. Due to the continual work I've done on myself (and with the help of great coaches), I've been able to meet, date, attract, and keep beautiful women in my life become a man that is comfortable in his skin and whom people respectskyrocket my career and build my business I want you to have it all, and I'm here to help you. 

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